Holy Theotokos Convent (HTC) is a small community of Orthodox nuns that was founded in the rolling hills of Cedar Valley in the Spring of 2001. Cedar Valley is located in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, just 30 minutes north of Toronto. The Convent is named for the All-blessed and Ever-Virgin Mary and Mother of God and celebrates on the Dormition of the Theotokos.
Following the traditional Orthodox monastic life of prayer and labour, we strive to support ourselves by the work of our hands. Our main handicraft is the production of 100% pure beeswax candles, primarily for the use in churches for all the Holy Services, however, we also have a full line of candles and accessories for personal and commercial use. With the popularity of our environmentally friendly candles and the health benefits of 100% pure beeswax candles, we expanded into all types of candles and natural products such as soap, moisturizers and lip balms. The many benefits of using 100% pure beeswax candles and other natural products in your day to day living are something that every home should experience. For more information please visit Joyous Light Candles.
Over the years, we’ve come to add an entirely different line of products by providing items used in the Orthodox Christian home. Included in this category are a full line of baptism and wedding items and accessories and many products for Orthodox worship. Please visit and peruse our store, we are confident you will be pleased with what you find.
In purchasing our products, you help to support Holy Theotokos Convent and allow us to continue our tradition in a life of prayer and labour.
After years of prayers, spiritual guidance and the blessings of St John The Russian, we are finally building.
Please help our cause.
Feel free to email us to say hello!